Monday, August 20, 2007

Chapter Twenty: Good Luck

Good Luck


Christina said...

After everyone ate breakfast and left, Johnny cleaned up the kitchen and got dressed. He still felt like shit, but he wanted to do something worthwhile that day. He checked himself out in the mirrior in his black buttown down shirt with tiny white pinstripes running through. His lucky shirt. He had on his favorite pair of jeans and his black dockers. He hoped he looked presentable enough. After he gathered up some of his portfolio's he headed out, locking the door behind him.

He walked a few blocks before he got to a small arts district and decided just to start going in and asking questions. He walked into the first Art studio and was imidiatly turned away. They were too rich, fancy, and snoby anyway, He told himself. The second and third ones actualy took some of his work, along with his name and phone number to show their art dealer. At the fourth, about another block down, a woman sold him some canvases and supplies for cheap, telling him to come back with a few paintings to hang in her store. She reminded him of his old art teacher in Highschool.
"I also teach classes here Thursday nights. If you feel like coming in, you are welcome." She told him. He thanked her several times, continueously thanking her. He decided that was good for the day since it was almost 1:00 and he was starving. He went into a furnature shop that caught his eye and entered a drawing. He had been lucky so far, why not? It was for a 5,000 dollar gift card. Well, the Grand Prize was, but he had now illusions about that. He was hoping maybe to get one of the five 500 dollar gards. Maybe with that he could buy a TV or a nice couch for everyone. After talking a little bit with the cute girl that was selling the raffle tickets, he left and ate lunch at a small BBQ restaurant. The food was delicious, and half off since it was the Grand Opening.
"You are one lucky bastard." He said to himself, and grinned. Just then the phone rang.

"Johnny." He answered.
"Hello, this is Penny down at Furnature Warehouse." The cute girl from before told him.
"Yes. Did I win one of the 500 dollar cards?" He asked.
"Better then that. Try 5000." She told him. He sat up suddenly and nearly knocked over his soday.
"Are you serious?" He asked.
"Yup. You can pick up your Furnature Warehouse gift card for 5000 dollars any time today." She told them.
"I'll see you in five minutes cutie." He told her, and she giggled. He jumped up from the table and ran to the furnature store. He burst in the door and Penny waved at him. All he had to do was have his picture taken of them handing him a giant fake gift card, smile and say thank you a lot. Then they gave him the real card and told him to come back real soon.
"I'll be back soon, don't worry!" He said, and left. He started walking home and called Lisa.
"Hey Johnny Boy." She answered.
"Guess what." He told her.
"What?" She asked.
"We are all getting new furnature tonight! TV, beds, couch...EVERYTHING!" He shouted.
"We're not stealing anything." She told him giggling.
"NO! Seriously. I'll be home in twenty minutes he told her, then informed her about his lucky day.

Sarah said...

"Johnny won a 5,000 dollar gift card from some furniture store." Lisa said hanging up her phone.
"Oh, that's really cool!" Chloe said.
"What about a TV?" Chris asked.
"We'll get one. Don't worry." Lisa said. "God forbid Chloe misses the premier of The Real World."
Chloe laughed. "It's okay. They rerun it like a zillion times."

"I'm gonna go read for a little while." Chris said. He looked at Chloe. "Great job today." He told her. "I'm sure you'll get the part.
"Thanks." Chloe said smiling.
He nodded smiling and went to their room. He got comfortable with several pillows holding his head up and started reading a book of poems that he had.

"God I really hope he's okay." Chloe said.
"He'll be fine, sweetie." Lisa assured her.
Chloe just smiled.
"I'm gonna look for a job tomorrow." Lisa said. "You wanna come with me?"
"Yeah." Chloe said.
"Cool." Lisa said.

The girls sat there and chatted for a while. After about ten minutes went by, Johnny came busting in the door. "Furniture!" He shouted with excitement.
Lisa laughed. "Congrats."
Chloe smiled. "That's cool."
"Where's Chris?" Johnny asked.
"In his room." Lisa said.
Johnny just nodded.
"Eventually we'll all get passed this." Lisa said.
"Chris is really sensetive." Chloe said.
"I know." Johnny said as if she were dumb.
"Alright." Lisa said. "Time for a walk."
"I'm gonna go do sit-ups." Chloe said. She didn't want to be alone with Johnny. She went to her room where Chris was reading. He looked up at her.
"Sorry." She whispered as she closed the door behind her. "I just wanna stretch and do some sit-ups."
Chris nodded and went back to reading his book.