Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapter Twenty-Three: Who needs a bed?

Who needs a bed?


Christina said...

It was early in the morning and Johnny woke up with a huge pain in his back. Mopping floors and fixing shit all day at work was bad enough, but not having a bed to sleep on was pushing him over the edge. He looked at the clock and it was only 7:00. On a Saturday!
"THATS IT!" He shouted, and got up.
"What?" Lisa groaned, rolling over. She had only been home and asleep for a few hours.
"We are going furnature shopping." Chris shouted at her.
"I'm tired." Lisa said.
"So am I! If you guys want furnature, you better come with me. I'm leaving at 9:00." He said, and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

Chloe jumped at the sound of the door. She had been awake for a little while, and heard a little bit of Johnny's outburst. She sighed, and started to get up. Her door burst open.
"We are going furnature shopping." Johnny said.
"What is going on?" Chris asked.
"9:00." Johnny said, and then left. Chloe heard the shower start in the bathroom a few minutes later.
"Better get up." She said to Chris. He just rolled his eyes and got up. Everyone started getting ready, and Lisa and Chloe made a small breakfast for everyone.

"Hey, what is this?" Chris asked, picking up an envelope with his name printed on the front.
"Oh, that was in the mail box." Lisa said. "I picked it up last night when I got in. No one checked the mail AGAIN."
Chris ignored her and opened it. He scanned the first few lines, and then grinned. He couldn't help it.
"What is it?" Chloe asked.
"A magazine wants to buy one of my short stories!" He shouted.
"What?" Lisa asked.
"Thats great!" Chloe shouted and ran out and hugged him.
"AND, they want me to send in a copy of my book." He said, sounding nervous.
"They'd love it. Maybe even publish it." Chloe said. Chris was pale, and she smiled.
"Trust me." Chloe said.
"And me. Your book is amazing." Lisa told him.

Even Johnny was in a better mood after hearing Chris' good news. He was slightly jealous of everyone, but just told himself he was next. After they ate breakfast, everyone climbed into the car and drove to the furnature store.

Sarah said...

"I'm so exhausted." Lisa said as she climbed out of the car.
Things were still slightly awkward between all of them, but Lisa was determined to get everything back to normal. "Can we all hang out tonight? Play poker or something?" Lisa asked. She looked at Johnny and he shrugged. She rolled her eyes. "Chlo? Chris?" She asked.

"Not tonight." Chris said when he looked at Johnny. Chris was still having trouble getting over everything.
"Chris, come on." Lisa whined.

Chloe took his hand as they walked into the store. She looked back at Johnny and he turned the other way. He started walking down a row of couches by himself. "Maybe we should all hang out." Chloe told Chris. Chris sat down on a black leather love seat. He sighed and layed back into it. "Chris." Chloe said. She sat down next to him and put her hand on his leg. "I'm not ready for that shit yet." Chris told her. "I'm just not ready."
"Now we've all seperated." Lisa said annoyed as she threw her arms in the air. "Where is Johnny?"
Chris and Chloe both shrugged. "He went that way." Chloe said pointing.
"Stop being such a baby." Lisa told Chris as she kicked him lightly on the leg. "Let's go." She said.
Chris and Chloe stood up and followed Lisa through the maze of couches. They spotted Johnny laying on a bed like he was testing it out.

Chris sighed. "You can't afford to get us all beds." He said.
"We can get two kings." Johnny said.
"I don't want two kings." Chris said.
"Then sleep on the floor." Johnny told him.

"Enough!" Lisa shouted. A few customers walking by looked at her, then rushed around the corner.
"Enough." She said again softly. "Jesus. Every time I think we're all okay, it turns out we're not."
Her friends just looked at her without saying a word, so she continued. "We've all screwed up. I'm not exactly happy with all of you either. Do you see me acting like a jerk though?" She said.
"Your girl didn't sleep with your best friend." Chris said.
"She wasn't YOUR girl." Johnny said. "She still isn't."
"You don't think I was hurt by that too?" Lisa blurted out. She instantly regreted saying those words. "Whatever. Let's just find some furniture and get outta here." She started to walk away.

"Wait, Leese." Johnny said.
She stopped and turned around. "What are you talking about?"
"You chose her." She said. "You wanted someone and you chose her."
Johnny didn't know what to think anymore.

They all made their way through the section of beds. They agreed on two simple King size beds, a coffee table, two couches and an end table. Johnny used his check and paid the small amount of money that went over their total. The store moved the furniture to their apartment for free. Johnny tipped the movers and they left. They all sat back on the couches in silence.

"What's done is done." Lisa said breaking the silence after a few minutes. "Can we move past all this?"
"I'd like to." Johnny said.
"Me too." Chloe said.
They all looked at Chris. He stood up. "What you guys did. . ." He said. "I'm not sure I'll ever get over it." He forced out a half smile and went to his room.
"Be right back." Lisa said. She let herself into the bedroom where Chris was laying on the bed. She layed down next to him.

"Not sure I'll ever get over it either." Lisa admitted. "But I'm trying to at least move past it."
"Johnny doesn't even feel bad." Chris said.
"Yes he does." Lisa said sitting up. "He feels horrible. And may I say, it wasn't just him. Chloe was there too. Why is it so easy for you to forgive her and not Johnny?"
"I haven't forgiven her." Chris said. "And he knew how I felt about her. He knew."

"I'm sorry, Chris. I really am." Lisa said. "I know we've never been very close, I mean compared to you and Chloe."
"Every time I think I'm okay, I see him smile at her or touch her. . . and I get all worked up again." He explained.
"Me too." She said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Really." She said. "I don't know why, but I feel so jealous that he chose her. Everyone chooses her. I never thought that Johnny would."
"Johnny always found you way more attractive." Chris said.
Lisa nodded. "So I hear. But, do I beleive it? Not even a little."

"Look what we've done." Chloe said.
"I'd do it again." Johnny said.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
Johnny shrugged. "It shouldn't be a big deal."
"It's a really big deal." She said.
"I feel bad about it. Don't get me wrong." He said. "I just. . . god I can't stop thinking about it. We had fun."

"Yeah. We had fun." Chloe said standing up. "We also ruined everything by doing it. It was stupid. So stupid."
Johnny looked mad. Chloe walked over to hers and Chris' room and tapped on the door lightly.
"Come in." Chris said. Chloe walked into the room and Lisa had tears in her eyes. Lisa smiled. Chloe gave her a hug and she left the room. Chloe layed down on the bed. "So comfy." She giggled.

Christina said...

"I'm not ready to be best friends again." Chris told her.
"I know. But this isn't working. Everyone is mad at everyone. You've never done anything you regreted?" She asked him.
"Everyone has, but that doesn't excuse anyone." He told her. She didn't know what to say.

"Leese." Johnny said, catching her before she went into their room. She didn't stop, and went into the room and sat on their new bed.
"Lisa. I never said I was sorry to you, did I?" He asked.
"No." She said, looking up at him.
"Maybe Chloe is right, maybe it was a mistake." He told her. She looked at him like she didn't believe him.
"I just always thought you and I were closer." She told him.
"We are." He told her.
"So why Chloe?" She asked.
"I guess I thought I never had a chance with you. I don't know, I guess I respected you more."
"Whoa, what? You don't respect Chloe?" She asked, sitting up.
"No, that isn't what I meant!" He said.
"Johnny what is really bothering you?" Lisa asked.
"Everything is working out for everyone but me. I've even got the shitiest job...I'm a janitor for crying out loud."
There was a light knock on the door.

Chloe opened Johnny and Lisa's door when she heard them shout come in.
"Come on, we are having a poker night. Let's go rent some movies, and buy some drinks for later." Chloe said.
"Chris?" Johnny asked.
"It was his idea to rent some movies for later." She told him. Lisa smiled at her.