Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chapter Four: This Disaster

This Disaster


Sarah said...

"We need to hurry if we're staying at a hotel tonight." Johnny said as he studied his watch. He looked around at his friends. It seemed that none of them were paying any attention to him. "Hey!" He said.
They all stopped eating and looked up at him.
"I'm going to eat slow and enjoy this." Lisa said with annoyance.

Chris slowly just picked at his food. All he could think about was Chloe. He couldn't stop looking up at her either. He started to picture them in the tent again. He imagined how it could have been a good experience rather than a messy one. He imagined them in eachothers arms, talking, laughing and joking about being stuck in a tiny tent laying practically on top of eachother. Why couldn't it have been like that?
"If we don't get out of here in ten minutes, we might end up camping again tonight." Johnny said.
Chris snapped out of his day dream. "What?" He asked.
"Eat. Jesus." Johnny said.

Lisa giggled. She thought it was funny when Johnny got upset. He made weird faces, sighed a lot and rolled his eyes every two seconds.

"He's right." Chloe said. "And we're NOT, absolutely NOT camping again."
She turned her head towards Chris to see his reaction. His eyes didn't leave his food and he continued to just pick at his scrambled eggs.

"Well, I'm done." Lisa said. She wiped her hands with her napkin and stood up. "I'm gonna grab a deck of cards from the station so me and Johnny can play war in the back seat." She said.
"You always lose." Johnny laughed. "I'll go with you, let me out."

Chloe stood up and Johnny scooted out of the booth. She watched him follow Lisa out of the restaurant. She pulled her wallet out of her purse and set it down on the table. Their waitress brought them their bill and she set down her debit card.
"I can get it." Chris said, about to pull his wallet out of his back pocket.
"No, it's fine." She said. "I got this one."

"Doesn't Johnny have all the money we gathered to pay for this trip?" Johnny asked, annoyed.
Chloe nodded. "It's okay. I'll get this one. I have a little bit of money left in my account. It's no big deal."
Chris sighed. Chloe stood up and payed the bill up front. She wasn't thrilled that she would be riding in the front seat with Chris, while Lisa and Johnny played games in the back seat.

"What makes you think you're gonna win this time?" Johnny asked Lisa as they sat down in the car.
"Oh you just wait." Lisa giggled. She saw Chris and Chloe walking towards the car.

Chloe got in the car and imediatly turned on her mp3 player. She layed back in the seat and closed her eyes. She fell asleep for a while and not long after, Johnny and Lisa had fallen asleep too. It had to be the heat that was knocking them out.
"Oh no!" Chloe heard Chris say as he pounded on the steering wheel. "No, no, no, NO! Fuck!"
The car started making weird noises. Chloe opened her eyes.
"What?" She asked.
Johnny yawned and wiped his eyes as Chris pulled over to the side of the road.
"You need me to take over?" Johnny asked.
"We're out of a gas." Chris said.

"WHAT?!" Johnny shouted. He grabbed the map and tried to figure out where they were and how far the hotel was. "We're still twenty miles from the town." He said.
"It's not my fault! Nobody else thought of getting gas when we stopped either!" Chris said.

"You're the one driving and you should have noticed." Chloe said. She got out of the car and slammed the door. Chris got out and walked over to her. "It's not my fault, Chlo." He said.
"Okay, then who's fault is it?" Chloe asked.

Lisa rolled her window down. "It's all of ours. We're all idiots. Let's not start blaming eachother." She said. Lisa was leaning her blame a little more towards Chris, but she didn't want to start any trouble. Johnny looked like he was reading to shoot someone. She climbed out of the car and gave Chris a hug. "We'll be okay." She said.

"This whole trip has been a disaster!" Chloe shouted as tears built up in her face.

Johnny got out of the car and stood at the side of the street holding his thumb out. He looked furious. It was obvious he was blaming himself.

Christina said...

"Johnny that is dangerous!" Lisa shouted.
"Well one of us needs to get to town to get gas. I'm sure as hell not sending one of you girls!
"Take Chris with you!" Lisa said, walking up to Johnny.
"And leave the you girls here by yourself? I don't think so." He said.
"Fine! Take me with you then!" She said.
"No. It's dangerous." He told her.
"You aren't going alone Johnny." She said sternly.
"Fine." He said, giving in.

"What? I'm not staying here alone with Chris!" Chloe shouted after hearing the comotion.
"Why not?" Chris asked. "We all can't go, who is going to watch the car?" He asked.
"Why can't I go with Johnny?" Chloe demanded.
"What is the big deal? I thought were friends?" Chris asked her. Chloe kicked the tire, and then sat down on the hood of the car. She turned up her music and closed her eyes in an attempt to close everything out.

"Hey, I think that Mustang is stopping." Johnny said. Sure enough it pulled onto the side of the road ahead of them. Johnny and Lisa ran up to it. There were two young guys sitting in the front with a suitcase in the back.
"Can we get a lift to the nearest gas station?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah sure, hop in." Said the driver. Johnny and Lisa squeezed into the backseat.
"Thanks. I'm Johnny, this is Lisa." He said.
"Bill, and this is Ted." Said the driver.
Lisa laughed.
"You are kidding, right?" She asked.
"Nope. We get that all the time. If that isn't bad enough, we're from California." Ted told her.
"Hey, that is where we are going." She said excitedly. The drove off talking about their plans.

"Chloe. CHLOE!" Chris shouted at her. But she had her music up to loud and couldn't hear him. Chris gave up and got back into the car. He layed his head back onto the seat and started to doze off.

After a while Chloe turned down her music. She felt bad for being so mean to Chris. She couldn't help it though! They had only just broken up, but she felt completely over Chris. Why was he still so attached to her? She sighed, and jumped off the hood of the car. When she looked inside she saw Chris sleeping.

Chris opened is eyes when the door opened. "Are they back yet?" He asked.
"No." She said, and sat down in the passenger seat.
"Are you kidding? It's been-" he looked at his watch, "an hour."
"Well 20 minutes to the next town, 20 back. That is 40 minutes. Plus they had to find a gas station, buy a gas can and fill it up." Chloe said.
"I hope they hurry. Not many car's seem to pass by here." He said. As soon as he said that a big blue van pulled up behind them.
"Stay here." Chris said, and climbed out of the car.
"Stay here!" Chloe muttered to herself. She was mad, so she climbed out of the car anyway.
"I said stay in the car!" Chris shouted.
"NO!" She shouted back. A heavyset man was walking up to them.
"Out of gas?" He asked.
"Yeah." Chris said.
"I've got half a gas can in the back of my van. It's enouth to get you to the next town." The man offered.
"That's okay. We sent our friends ahead of us to get some." Chris told him.
"This isn't the best place to be stranded." The guy said.
"We'll take it." Chloe said, walking up to the two men.
"Chloe, they'll be back soon!" He shouted.
"If they pass us on the way, then they'll see us and follow us to the next town." She snapped at him.
"Thanks Mister, but that is really okay." Chris said.
"Don't listen to him." Chloe told the man. The man walked to his van and came back with the gas can. He filled it up for them then said goodbye and drove off. Chloe hopped in the drivers seat before Chris could object. He sighed and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Chloe, I think we should wait." He said. she just started the car, and pulled back onto the road.