Sunday, August 19, 2007

Chapter Sixteen: Bitter Tears

Bitter Tears


Christina said...

Chris stood by the door listening, but couldn't make out everything they were saying. The other night? He thought. What happened the other night? His heart was pounding, but he calmed himself down. He was just being paranoid.

"Come on, lets go find Lisa." Johnny said.
"Okay. She's either at Tuckers next door, or she is at the bar he goes to all the time. He sneaks her in the back." Chloe said, and giggled.
"Let's hope she's next door." Johnny said, and helped Chloe up off the floor.

Chris heard them leave, then rushed out to the living room. He saw Johnny's bag and picked it up. He went through it without even thinking and found two things. I mint tin with two and a half joints in it, and Johnny's note book. He knew he shouldn't open it, but he couldn't help it. He flipped through until he found the drawing of Chloe. His heart sank, and a tear traveled down his face and fell onto the drawing. He sat down on the floor and cried.

Sarah said...

Chloe and Johnny searched all over the for Lisa and couldn't find her.
"What do we do now?" Chloe asked, worried.
"She'll come back." Johnny said. He put his arm around her and they walked back to their apartment. Lisa was standing in front of Tucker's apartment smoking a cigarette.
"We have been looking all over for you!" Johnny told her.
"Yeah. For like an hour." Chloe said.
"Why?" Lisa asked, annoyed.
"Because you just stormed off like that." Johnny said. "Now put that thing out and let's all go inside."
"Johnny probably wants to kill me." Lisa said.
"He's fine. I talked to him about it." Johnny told her.
"You sure?" Lisa asked.
"Yes." Johnny laughed.

Johnny opened the door and Lisa put out her cigarette. "Ah fuck." Johnny said.
"What?" Lisa asked.
Johnny stepped closer to where Chris was asleep in the corner of the room. The nude picture he had drawn of Chloe was on the floor next to him. He leaned over and looked at Chris. He like hell. His eyes were puffy and his whole face was red. Johnny's mouth got big. He placed his hand over it in shock. He took a deep breath. "Oh wow." He said.
"What? What is it?" Lisa asked.
Chloe giggled.
Johnny picked up the sketch pad and closed it quickly. His heart was racing and he felt his eyes start to tear up. "Oh my god." He said.
Chris turned onto his back and opened his eyes. He sat up right away when he noticed everyone was standing over him.
"Dude." Johnny said. "I. . ."
Chris stood up and turned to Chloe. A tear dripped down his cheek.
"You okay, sweetie?" Lisa asked him.
Chris ripped the sketch pad out of Johnny's hand. He turned to the picture of Chloe. He got a slight glanse of it has he held it up so it was facing everyone. He felt a lump in his throat.
"What the. . ." Chloe said. "What?"
"Don't FUCKING play dumb with me, Chloe!" He yelled. Chloe jumped.
"What is going on?" Lisa asked. She studied the picture for a second and noticed a few of the noticeable features on the girl in the drawing. "Did you draw that Johnny?" Lisa asked.
Johnny swallowed hard.
"How did you know she had that scar on her hip?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah, Johnny. How DID you know that?" Chris asked.
Johnny was speechless.
"Or let's ask Chloe. Maybe she knows." Chris said turning to her.
"Chris. . ." Chloe hesitated.
Chris pointed to the face on the drawing. It was very distinct if you knew Chloe as well as he did. She had a half smile, she was biting her bottom lip and her hand was on the back of her neck holding her hair up. He knew that look and it killed him that Johnny knew it too. "This." Chris said. He started to cry.

Lisa looked at Chloe. Then Johnny. She was on the verge of tears when she realized what was going on. Her friends weren't denying it either.

"Oh." Chris said picking up Johnny's bag. "That's not the only secret he's been keeping."
Johnny realized right away what Chris was about to pull out of his bag. "Please." Johnny begged. "Dude."
Chris pulled the joints out of the little case and threw them across the room. "He's a fucking pothead." Chris said.

This was a lot for Lisa to grasp in such a short amount of time. They all just stood there silent. Chloe was crying quietly and Chris was starting to cry louder. Lisa walked over to Chris and put her arms around him. She held him tightly as she rubbed his back.
"Someone better start explaining." Lisa said. "Now!"

Johnny and Chloe looked at eachother.
"Chris." Chloe sobbed. She walked over to him and tried to hug him. He let go of Lisa and pushed Chloe away from him. "Stay away from me." Chris told her. He looked at Johnny. "Why Chloe? Huh?" He asked him.
Johnny shook his head. "I don't know, man." He said holding his hands out.

"You have no idea how much he loves you." Lisa said to Chloe as she thought about some of the things she read in his novel. "No idea." She said.

Chris looked at the picture again. He tore it out of the book. "Dude!" Johnny said.
Chris tore it into shreds, leaving tiny peices of paper all over. Chloe started crying hysterically.
"You're such a fucking dick." Johnny said walking over to Chris. He got a little too close and Lisa put her arm out between them.
Johnny could see the hurt in Chris' eyes and he backed away a little.
"Do you love him?" Chris asked Chloe. He sniffed and tried to hold back any more tears. He was surprised he had any left in him.
"No." Chloe said. "No. Of course not."
Johnny sighed. "It's not like that, Chris."
"So you just used her." Chris said.
Johnny looked at Chloe. "Sort of. I guess." Johnny said. "I mean. . . god, I don't know. She was just there. I wasn't thinking."
The room was silent again.
"You know, I really don't get you two." Johnny blurted out. "I mean seriously."
"Johnny, stop." Lisa said.
"No." Johnny said. "You were together for a couple years, she never loved you. She never felt that for you. She told you that. Yet, to this day, you're still in love with her. It's pretty pathetic, that's all."
"No." Chloe sobbed. "No. I DID love him."
"That's not what you told me." Johnny said.

"Okay, stop." Lisa said. "Just stop."
"You always wanted Lisa in bed with you. Why would you go after Chloe?" Chris asked.
"What?" Lisa asked.

That opened a whole new can of worms. Johnny didn't think he had made it that obvious when he talked to Chris about the girls, but clearly he had. After a while, they were all sitting silently on the floor in different corners of the room. Chris was beyond hurt. Lisa felt way out of the loop and confused. Johnny felt like the worst person in the world and Chloe was pretty much on the same level as Johnny.
"I'm gonna go smoke." Lisa said with anger as she eyed Johnny.
"Me too." Johnny said. He reached forward and picked up his half smoked joint. He didn't look up at Chris or Chloe. He double checked to see that his lighter was in his pocket and left. Lisa followed after him without saying a word.
She watched Johnny walk down the stairs as she lit up her cigarette.

Johnny smoked his joint as he walked down the street. "I don't give a shit." He said. He stepped into the short line in front of the strip club and was inside after a few minutes. He sat down at a table near the bar. He ordered several shots in just an hour. He tried to pay attention to the dancers, but he couldn't. Even when he looked at one of them, his mind would start to wander right away. He had way too much on his mind. He payed his tab and stumbled out of the club. He walked to the little park and layed back into the grass as he looked up at the stars.