Monday, August 13, 2007

Chapter One: The New Start

The New Start

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Chloe packed her last bag and headed out the front door of her family's condo. Chris and Johnny pulled up within minutes. She took one last look at the condo. She was so nervous about leaving. She had already said goodbye to her family and they were all in bed. For some reason, she still felt like she was leaving without saying goodbye. Chris stepped out of the car and walked over to her.
"You ready?" He asked her. He could tell she was having seconds thoughts about their plans. He was good at reading her. They dated throughout their Senior Year of High School and just recently had decided to end it. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled.
"I'm so excited." He whispered.
"Me too." She said.

Lisa lit up her last cigarette EVER as she sat on the curb waiting for her friends to pick her up. They were late, as always. She was always the last one to be picked up too. She hated that. She had been looking forward to this escape since her first day of High School. They finally pulled up in her driveway. She threw her cigarette down and stomped on it with excitement. She spun in circles and hopped in the back seat of the car with Chris.
"Yeah!" She shouted as she punched Chris on the shoulder.
"Whoa. Chill out." Chris said. He laughed and shook his head.

As Johnny drove down Stillwater Dr and saw his town get smaller and smaller through the rear view mirror, his heart started to beat a little faster. He smiled and placed his hand down on Chloe's leg. He squeezed hard. "God damn I'm so fucking nervous." He said with a big grin on his face.
"Need me to drive?" She asked.
"Ha!" He laughed.
"I'll take the wheel whenever." Chris told him.
"I think I'll be good for a while." He said.
"Throw on some tunes." Chris said.
"Oh! I made an awesome mix just for the road." Lisa said as she unzipped her backpack.
"Hey! What the fuck is this?" Chris asked as he pulled a pack of cigarette's out of her backpack.
"Just incase." Lisa said, grabbing it out of his hand.
"Leese." Chloe said.
Lisa sighed.
"Leese, come on." Johnny said.

Chloe didn't think she was as stong as all of her friends thought she was. She looked around the car as they all stared at her with disspointment on their faces. She nodded. "Okay. . . okay." She said. She rolled down her window and threw them out of the car. She rolled the window back up. She was a little frustrated, but she knew it was for her own good. "Sorry." She mouthed to Chloe. Chloe just smiled and winked at her. Lisa smiled and pulled her road mix out of her backpack. She held it out in front of her.
"What's on it?" Johnny asked.
"All the best songs for the road." She replied.

Chloe popped it in the cd player and turned it up. She layed back with her eyes closed and listened as her friends sang aloud. Well, more like screamed. She felt Chris' hands on her shoulders. He squeezed them and then rubbed them.
Chris leaned forward towards her. "You okay?" He whispered. She nodded as she took a deep breath.

Chris wasn't sure if his feelings for Chloe had really gone away. He still cared for her a lot. He let go of her and leaned back in his seat. He looked over at Lisa. Lisa rolled her eyes.
"What?" He asked her softly.
She just shook her head. Lisa sure had an attitude and she always gave Chris crap for "still being in love with Chloe." As she said to him often. He just rolled his eyes. Soon, they were on the interstate and only days from starting their new lives. . .