Monday, August 13, 2007

Chapter Two: Lesson 1

Lesson 1


Sarah said...

Johnny stopped at a rest stop when he found himself dosing off at the wheel. Chloe was the only other one of them still awake, but she was starting to find herself dosing off too. Her and Johnny got out of the car and stretched their legs. "Wanna walk a little?" Johnny asked her. The warm breeze picked up and Chloe's long dark hair blew into her face. She giggled and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Sure." She said smiling.

Chloe yawned as she walked over to Johnny. "Don't kill me." He said.
She laughed.
"I think we're gonna have to stop and camp. Their's a campground twenty more miles down the road." He said.
"Are you too tired to drive?" She asked.
"Yeah." He said. "I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. It's easier to stay awake during the day." She said.
"I don't know what tents we have though. . . mine is only for one person." He said.
"I know Chris brought his two person tent." She said.
"That's probably all we have then." He laughed.
"So, how are we going to do this?" She asked.
"Um. . ." He said turning towards her.
"No. No, Johnny." She said. "I know what you're thinking and it ain't happening."
"Well, Johnny and I can't share mine." He said. "And Lisa and I can't share it either. . . and obviously, you and I couldn't either. . . and you and Lisa probably wouldn't want to either"
She sighed.
"It's really small, Chloe." He said.
"Yeah I know." She said. "But why do Chris and I have to share it?"
"What's the big deal?" He asked. "You two have shared beds together many times."
"Yeah, when we were a couple." She said.
"I guess I'll drive to the nearest hotel." He sighed.
She rolled her eyes. "No."
"You gonna share with him?" He asked.
"Yeah." She said.
"Okay then."
"You owe me." She said. "Big."

Lisa shifted to the right trying to get more comfortable. She heard Johnny open the car door next to her and jumped. She was about to scream when she realized it was him. She gasped. "Sorry." Johnny laughed. "Wake up Chris."
Lisa was confused, because she had just woken up. Chloe got back in the car as Lisa pushed Chris. He opened his eyes. "What's going on?" He asked. He looked worried and Chloe started laughing at the look on his face.

"What?" Chris asked.
"We have to stop for the night. There's a campground like 20 miles ahead." Johnny explained. "You and Chloe are bunking up." Johnny closed the door and got back into the driver seat. He started the car and turned the music down a little.
"What?" Lisa asked.
"We only have my one person tent and Chris' two person tent." Johnny explained.
"I'll sleep in the car." Lisa said, thinking she was doing Chloe a favor.
"No. It's fine." Chloe said. "Not like we haven't shared a bed before."
"Yeah, and Leese, it wouldn't be comfortable for anyone to sleep in the car." Johnny said.
"You gonna say somethin?" Chloe asked Chris with frustration.
"I'm okay with it. I just wanna sleep." Chris said.
"Yeah okay." Lisa said. "That's gonna help you get over eachother."
"We ARE over eachother." Chloe said.
"Yeah." Chris said unconvincingly.
"Right." Chloe said.

Johnny started back down the road. Everyone was quiet. "Guys, I'm not trying to screw things up, but we're all way too tired to keep driving tonight." Johnny said. "If you think it's too weird for you two to share, then I'll sleep in the car."
Johnny was frustrated.

"We're good." Chris said. "Nobody is sleeping in the car."
Chris pictured the tent and got a nervous feeling in his stomach. He hadn't even slept in the same room as Chloe for almost two months. He was actually looking forward to sleeping next to her again. "We're good." He said again as he reached his arm in front of him and placed it on Chloe's shoulder. "Right, Chlo?" He felt like he needed her reassurance.

"Yeah." She said. You could hear the frustration in her voice. When she pictured the tent, it made her a little upset. It was so small! They would be on top of eachother! She felt like crying and it made her feel like a big baby.

Johnny felt himself dosing off again as he pulled off the interstate into the campground. He drove by a few campsites where people were sitting around their campfires drinking. He was surprised that people were still awake, although he wasn't an experienced camper, so what did he know? He had to drive a while before he found an open site. He woke everyone up. He and Chris stepped out of the car to set up the tents with the headlights shining brightly in their direction.

"You gonna be okay?" Lisa asked Chloe.
Chloe shrugged. Once again, she felt like crying. She watched Chris bend over as he propped up the tent a little. Chloe rolled her eyes. She heard Chris and Johnny laughing about something. She figured Johnny was cracking a lame joke as always.

"I'm getting out." Lisa said when she noticed Chris and Johnny having fun while puting up the tents. She got out of the car and ran over to them.
"Is Chloe okay?" Johnny asked her.
"Yeah." Lisa said. "I think she's just tired." She lied.

Chloe sighed and got out of the car. The tents were up and Lisa was piling her pillows and blankets into their tent. Chris layed a sleeping bag and pillow down in the tent. "Grab your afgan." He told her. She went to the car and got her afgan that her Grandmother had made her. She brought it along as a security blanket. She dragged that thing around everywhere she went as a child. She held it up in front of her face and smelled. "Please God let this trip be worth it." She prayed silently. She took a deep breath and walked back over to the tent. Johnny was standing by the car waiting to turn off the headlights. "You get in first." Chloe told Chris.
"Alright." Chris said. He sat down and took off his shoes. He placed them right outside the tent, then layed down. Chloe slid off her shoes and climbed into the tent. She tried to lay next to him, but that just wasn't happening. There was no enough room. She turned to her side and layed stiff. She sighed and lifted her head up. He placed his arm under her neck and she layed back down. If she were still dating him, she would be comfortable with laying her head on his chest, but she wasn't.
"You can't be comfortable like that." He laughed.

She wasn't comfortable at all. Her back was already cramping up. She closed her eyes tight and slowly leaned over him, resting her head on his chest. She put her hand on his stomach. She could feel his breath on her forehead and it distracted her, so she had trouble getting to sleep. She felt his arm stretch a little behind her back and he rested his hand on her side.

All Chris could think about was how close Chloe was. He had a strong urge to kiss her, but he resisted. "Goodnight." He said softly. She didn't respond. He figured she had fallen asleep already. "Night." She said a minute later. He reached his other arm that wasn't trapped under Chloe's neck and placed his thumb on her cheek and over to her lips.

"Chris!" She said as she slapped his hand away. She turned over facing her back to him. She wanted to cry. She obviously couldn't stay that way. Her face was buried into the side of the tent.
"What's wrong?" He asked her. She took several deep breaths, then turned back facing him. "This is all a huge mistake. I knew I shouldn't have come along." She said.

Chris sighed. "I didn't mean anything by it." He said.
"Goodnight." She said. She closed her eyes and tried her hardest to just fall asleep. She let him put his arm around her again. It was the only way there was enough room for them both to sleep.

Johnny yawned as he awoke the next morning. He sat up and turned to Lisa. Lisa's shirt had shifted so low, that most of her right breast was being revealed. Johnny looked away quickly. "Cover yourself up!" He laughed.

Lisa rolled over and let out a moan. "Oh my!" She laughed when she looked down at her shirt.
"You better not have looked!" She said. She punch him in the arm and he laughed.
"You've got to stop with that punching! It hurts. I mean come on, seriously!" He said.

Chloe woke up to Johnny and Lisa laughing. Chris was not in the tent. She peaked out the window on the side of the tent and saw him sitting in the car. She saw Johnny get out of his tent.
"Come on, girls." Johnny said. "We've got to get back on the road!"

"I think I'm gonna start a list of lessons we learn on this little journey." Lisa said as she climbed out of the tent. "Lesson One. Bring enough tents for everyone."

Christina said...
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