Monday, August 27, 2007

Chapter Twenty-Two: CUT!



Christina said...

Johnny was bored out of his mind. Chloe and Lisa were at their first rehersal, and he was stuck mopping floors at an art gallery. He took a job as a janitor during the day, and modeled for art classes at night. Becoming a famous artist was a lot more difficult than he thought. The girls were so lucky!
"When your done, can you take a look at that squeeky door?" His boss, Tabitha, Tabby for short, asked.
"Yes, I'm almost finished in here." He told her. She smiled at him and left the room. He sighed and wondered what Chris was up to.

"Okay, it's not that hard!" Chris said, getting frustrated. He was at the library with one of his tutoring students. He ran an add in the paper to tutor college kids that were on a budget. He charged half of what a professional tutor would cost, and was better than the other students in the writing labs. This guy is an idiot! He thought.
"Look, I'm here to play football, not learn about writing." Chuck said. Chris tried not to glare at him, but failed.
"You aren't even on the football team." He said.
"Not yet." Chuck said. "But you promised you would help me not fail english."
"God help me." Chris said, and Chuck laughed thinking Chris had made a joke. He just sighed and wondered what the girls were up to.

Chloe hadn't seen Lisa all day. She wondered how she was doing. Chloe was in a huge dance room learning all the dances with other guys and girls. She was trying her hadest to stand out, but it wasn't easy. Most of these people had been doing this for a few years! She got excited when her teacher found out she was only just out of highschool and seemed impressed. The teacher kept spliting the group up, finding the best dancers. She looked at the clock, and it was almost quitting time for the day. Chloe was in what she hoped was the best group out of the bunch. She really wanted to be out on the stage dancing as much as possible. There were two other girls in her group, and two guys. All the other dancers were in another, larger group. When the music stopped, the dance instructor, Miss Marie walked up to the front of the room. Everyone looked up at her.
"Spectacular. I have a wonderful group this year! However, you aren't quite where I need you to be. I have split you into two groups. Group 1." She said, and pointed to Chloe's group. "You are the leaders. I expect you to help out the other dancers in this class. Four of you were dancers with us last year, and I've added a new girl to your group. What is your name dear?" She asked.
"Chloe." she answered, trying not to blush.
"Wonderful. Now, Group 2" the instructor continued talking, but Chloe wasn't listening. She was wondering what Lisa was up too...

Sarah said...

"Higher!" Belle shouted. "HIGHER!"
"I'm trying!" Lisa yelled. She felt like crying.
Belle picked up her stack of song lyrics and threw them into the air. The papers flew everywhere.
"We are done for today! You all suck! I suggest you practise if you want to get ANYWHERE in this business!" Belle stormed out of the room.
Lisa looked at the small group of people standing around her. All the people who had the main roles in the show. All the people who were supposed to be the best singers.
"I don't know what do." Tesa said. Tesa had the part of Mimi. Mimi was a pretty big part in this show. Tesa started to tear up. She turned away as she wiped her eyes.
"Well." TJ sighed. "Anybody got anywhere to go?"
They all shook their heads. Everyone was frustrated. TJ bent over and started picking up all the sheet music. Lisa helped him and he smiled at her. He got all the papers in order and sat down in front of the piano.
He started to sing the Prologue. Lisa was amazed. He sang so much better with Belle gone.
"Okay, let's see if we can nail, "It's beginning to snow." He said. He passed out the music to all of them. Lisa was frustrated that she hardly had any part in that song, but she went along with it. She knew she didn't really have that many parts anyway. She sighed as she watched everyone performing while she waited for her part.

After a few hours of practicing, Chloe walked around looking for Lisa. She found her at the stage doing a dance routine with the rest of the group. She felt herself a little jealous. She was the one who had gotten Lisa the part afterall. Does that really give her any reason to be jealous?
She waited for them to finish. They all cheared, hugged and gave eachother high fives. 'Why couldn't my group be fun like that?' Chloe thought to herself.
"Lisa, you ready to go?" Chloe asked as she walked up to them.
"We're practicing all night." Lisa told her.
"Yeah. Tess and I are gonna go get Starbucks." TJ told Lisa as they walked out of the room.
"Oh." Chloe said. She was dissapointed. She wanted to vent to someone about the crap she went through all day. She didn't have fun. She was NOT enjoying herself.
"I'm sorry." Lisa said. She gave Chloe a hug. Chloe forced out a smile. "I had a rough day." Chloe said softly.
"We'll talk in the morning." Lisa said. "We'll drive out to the beach."
"Okay." Chloe said. She said goodbye and walked home.

Johnny walked in the door pissed off. He imediatly took a shower. He could hear Chris in his room. He had some music playing lightly. He figured Chris was waiting up for Chloe. He made himself a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich and went to his room.

Chloe busted through the door and slammed it behind her. She threw her bag onto the floor, then her purse, then her keys. She stormed across the living room and into her bedroom. She started undressing without even paying any attention to Chris sitting on the floor right beside her. She started to unhook her bra as she looked over at him. He was staring at her. "You okay?" He laughed.
"No." She said sitting down on the floor. Chris turned off the music.
"I work with a bunch of horrible dancers." She explained. "They are not capable of shit. I don't know why they were chosen to be in this production!"
"I'm sorry. You're great though. I bet you can teach them anything." He said.
She giggled. "Stop staring at my boobs."
"I can't." He said.
She rolled her eyes and he laughed. He leaned forward, grabbed her and tackled her down. He always knew how to chear her up. She already felt ten times better.